Fresh Paint
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
State of Fresh Paint
Back again. Thought I could watch it, even with a room of jeering, quick-witted dems, but still couldn't stomach it. Not even a drinking game helped (bet on how far into the speech would the first 9/11 reference. I clocked it at about 8 minutes).So am watching a rerun of Becker (a show I'd never watched the first time around), about the only alternative network programming.

Last year the Dems met to lick wounds too (yes, that's Debra Shore, currently running for Metropolitan Water Commission). Jan Schakowsky came up with the following on a cocktail napkin before the event. Whenever they say we don't stand for anything, I like to point to the oath we solemnly (actually, quite laughingly) swore last year. It's still pretty good:
I do solemnly swear that I (state your name) will faithfully execute the responsibilities and privileges of a patriotic American, and will to the best of my abilities work to move our democracy forward by preserving, not privatizing, Social Security, making affordable health care available to all Americans, increasing and protecting American jobs that pay living wages, seeking justice and fairness in our courts and in our tax system, ensuring the security of Americans at home, and working for peace and prosperity around the world.
My 2-year anniversary comes up at the end of next month. As always, we'll have the pool party, the Chippendale Dancers, an ice sculpture of GWB's face and champagne fountain (a chocolate fountain for the tee-totalers). And of course, the usual dancing till dawn.

Blogger buddy TCF is also having a big anniversary. Go check him out.

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