Fresh Paint
Monday, September 03, 2007
Calling All Artists
The new art season is nearly upon us, so I'm relying on youse guys out there (especially those in the Chicago area) to let me know the shows we should be seeing.

So please, if you have a show coming up or just want to say hi, please drop by. I'll try to be better this season than last -- I admit I got a touch burned out not just with art and blogging, but with life as well.

Have heard so far from:

Carrie Iverson, with a new show at Flatfile. She is a kick-ass printmaker who has recently taken up working in glass.

Jonathan Gitelson, who will be in New York, Munich, and Chicago, and has a new project involving garbage cans (it makes sense, honestly).

Julia Katz is in a show opening on Sept. 7th at a newly configured Addington Gallery. She's a pretty good painter, so you might want to check it out.

And Sadie Gerbic has been (or will be) practically everywhere this season.

PS: I'm sorry I missed Judith Hladic-Voss at Morpho, along with a bunch of other printmakers.

So bring them on. My hands are now down from Mars Gallery. The show got a good review from the Chicago Free Press. I will be picking them up this week (don't think any sold, but maybe a few did). Nothing new on the schedule as of now.

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