Fresh Paint
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Facts to Ponder
Did you know Evanston even has an Arts District, let alone a "hot Arts District"?
Cutting edge architecture meets Art Nouveau craftsmanship at the Excel Lofts, 1611 Simpson, Renaissance Realty’s latest work in progress in Evanston’s hot Arts District. Local artists will exhibit their work in the gallery tour’s finale where you’ll have time to linger for wine, hors d’oeuvres and leisurely networking. Catered by Boocoo Cafe.
This is the final stop on an event called an Art Crawl put on by the Evanston Chamber of Commerce's Young Professionals of Evanston, which until a friend asked me if I was planning to go to it, I hadn't heard anything about.

This proves definitively how out of it I've been all summer.

A reminder: we'll be at Evanston Farmers Market this Saturday from 7:30 to 1 pm, and then many of us AGAIN at Mars Gallery for the Man Show from 8pm to midnite.

And if you're still up for it, Daniel Biss is officially kicking off his campaign for Illinois State Legislature, taking on Elizabeth Coulson, thank god, on Sunday at 2:00 pm behind the Wilmette Rec Center. I will update this and paste better details in a fresh blogging shortly.

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