Fresh Paint
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Iconoduel Is Back
... thank God, and talking about the spring shows at Navy Pier, Grant Park, and the fate of the Stray show, among other things. So happy.
Good evening folks. The Wi-Fi has been zooey all evening, which generally means neighbors microwaving, walkie-talkies walking and talking, or certain car alarms. Or other stuff, like a big garbage truck sitting at the corner blocking the signal. Or else SBC is digging again. It's a noise thing, since I generally get the 5.5 Mbps signal ok, and sometimes even better.
In the print studio literally all day today with little to show except dehydration and exhaustion. I forget to eat and drink when I work so intensely. Found the stone I'd worked on four years ago and tried to bring it back to life. Have lost much of the subtlety, but it printed. Will be back in the shop on Saturday and try to bring it back more. (Means a lot of very patient scrubbing with gum arabic and lithotine). Maybe a softer ink. I realize none of this print geek stuff is meaningful to most of you.
Also got sidetracked by playing with patterns in liquid tusche ink, so now I have 4 stones going. Ridiculous! Plus a naked lady series, and some trees. Then the paintings. Good thing I'm still unemployed.
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