Fresh Paint
Friday, February 18, 2005
Italian Toast
... aka pizza for breakfast.

Was out of coffee and just about everything else so was forced to go to store. It's five buck pizza day. No reason you can't buy a pizza piping hot and eat it for breakfast.

[she wipes mouth]

No. No reason at all. An old boyfriend of mine used to call it Italian Toast, if you ate it before noon. In pre-microwave days we used to saute it with extra onions and cheese, and serve as a topping on leftover spaghetti.

Decided I had too much to do today to go and sit around not printing stuff at the print studio since I don't have a clear idea yet what I want to do. Is cold out, but cheerfully sunnny. I'm not saying I will, but may, just may get out and look at some art later. I have to drop off my piece for the Ox-Bow benefit today or tomorrow. Will put it up online when I finally make my decision.

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