Fresh Paint
Friday, October 29, 2004
Speaking of Cows
Wausau - Cheney's Schofield visit draws crowd
Meanwhile, outside the Log Cabin, about 35 Kerry supporters stood in front of a giant, blow-up cow with a sign on it that said "Pres. Bush lied to me about MILC." The group accused President Bush of not supporting the federal milk support program after legislation to fund the program was stalled in Congress.

President Bush publicly endorsed the milk support program during a campaign stop in Wisconsin earlier this month.[ed. i.e., he lied, or flip-flopped or whatever the hell he calls it]
I have not yet seen the cow, but am working for those nefarious people who are sending the cow from appearance to appearance. It is at this moment being readied to follow the Bushies whereever they go in dairy country. Here's a story from La Crosse. I'll try to get a picture of her tomorrow. People absolutely love her. She's called Marathon the MILC Cow.

Oh, I suppose it had to come out sooner or later. Yes, I'm in Wausau, WI, where we were just informed tornado warnings are in effect. Thunder and lightning right now outside like crazy, like the middle of summer, warm and sultry. Like Karl Rove is throwing all his knives and evil thoughts down on us.

We've also been informed that we're "ground zero" on election night, with NBC News broadcasting from here, since we're a swing city in the middle of a swing state -- can't get yummier ratings than that. So I may be in the news yet again. Ho hum. All the glamour.

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