Fresh Paint
Saturday, March 22, 2008
I Thought They Were All Shaped That Way
Illinois-shaped corn flake sells for $1,350
CHICAGO - Two sisters from Virginia sold their Illinois-shaped corn flake on eBay Friday night for $1,350.Your best friend has probably emailed you this already, but if not, you read it here first.
"We were biting our nails all the way up to the finish, seeing what would happen," said Melissa McIntire, 23. "There's a lot of relief involved."
Good afternoon, friends. I would have said "morning", since I just got up, but it would be wrong.
Have been working on few secret projects (to be revealed fairly soon -- hint: you can play it) that have obsessed me. And I need to roll with my obsessions, because, frankly, what else do I have?
We are getting heavily into the art season, and after this last batch of snow (about 4 inches where I am) melts, we have no excuse not to get out there.
Ryan Scheidt has started a new art blog and has invited me to contribute, which I will do if I ever have anything to say again. Also a website and other projects.
I don't know him other than that we were both contributors to a collaborative comic book ("Astro Boy"), a project started by Mark Hudson that was making the rounds over the winter. I contributed a panel introducing "Black Glasses Girl."
So that's it, for now. There is actually a deadline for this project I'm trying to make. More news later, perhaps.
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