Fresh Paint
Monday, February 27, 2006
SAIC Gallery G2 Show
While at the Ox-Bow Benefit last Thursday night, dropped by the show on the main floor. Lots of video and installation I didn't quite get, possibly since we were racing thru, but two otherwise good artists too. Really liked Amy Mayfield's enamel, ink, and collage pieces. Lovely surfaces, actual good line drawings, and really interesting to look at. I wanted to touch them too, since the enamel was so seductive. At one point my friend exclaimed, "why, there's a little dog in this one," and also, "I think that's nail polish. I have some just like it." Perhaps.

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The other work I liked was Amanda Innis's gouache, watercolor, mixed media drawings that you can see from the street if you look in the big windows. They were very lively and colorful, and just pinned to the wall. Didn't get a snap of them, but you still have time to go back and take a look at all of this stuff, since it's still open for a few more days.

This is about it, since we raced up to the benefit itself and proceeded to get shitfaced and so can't remember much of what we saw. My piece did well -- submitted one of the "We're Sorry" etchings printed on gray paper and handsomely matted and framed. All in all a good night, and I've finally recovered some.

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