Fresh Paint
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Thirty Days Hath September
thank god. Perhaps with a new month we'll stop having these hurricanes and tropical depressions. Up to number 20, I see.
And it being Illinois, October is Illinois Art Month, where stuff happens all over the place that I'm unlikely (given recent moods and history) to get out and see.
Here's the official schedule for Evanston's single week (plus a few days), Oct 15 - 23. I see that demonstrations and a print sale are scheduled for the shop at Noyes, but I don't know any details yet. I know, I should, since I'm the official studio monitor over there. I give you my pledge, however, that if you want to drop by on Friday mornings, I will show you wonderful stuff and you will see several printmakers (other than me) in action.
We've been talking about organizing a sale bin for awhile now, and perhaps it will happen in time for Holiday Giving.
I thought my print buddy Sadie Gerbic's show at Mars Gallery was going to be up for 2 more weeks, but it's apparently coming down today. It wouldn't hurt to drop by, just in case a few pieces are still up. She tells me that Gallery 312 (that used to be over in Fulton Market) is no more. Will check on it.
I am devastated that I don't have a Weekly Tree for you today, so I will have to give you a Bush instead:

Joe Taylor, at the Lincoln Park Art Fair a few weeks ago. (The red one is Bush surrounded by skeletons, if you can't see clearly.)
Didn't think I'd have a whole bunch to write about this morning, but there you go.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.