Fresh Paint
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
You Mean He Hasn't Been Fired Yet?
Storm seen sidelining permanent tax cuts
WASHINGTON - The recovery from Hurricane Katrina will temporarily sideline some parts of President Bush’s domestic agenda, including efforts to make the administration’s tax cuts permanent, U.S. Treasury Secretary John Snow said Tuesday.

“It’s taken over the national agenda and I think it will for a while,” Snow said of Katrina. “I think it will push to the back burner some issues that otherwise would have been on the agenda now — the estate tax, tax (cut) permanency, GSEs and other things.” Snow told the National Association of Federal Credit Unions.
Rove must be slipping!

Good afternoon, friends. Just getting ready to go out and paint -- running late. This may be the last unrainy painting day for awhile, so better get at it.

And let's all hope Hurricane Rita fizzles out real real soon.

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