Fresh Paint
Thursday, July 05, 2007
And for the Knitters in the Family...
Area mom knits iPhone; kbps speeds on yarn said to be "not so bad"
A picture says it all.
Good afternoon, friends. The extreme heat hasn't reached here yet -- I still don't have my air conditioner on since I get a good lake breeze from my computer room and studio where I pretty much live. But the humidity is creeping in.
Sorry, paraders, I didn't make it yesterday -- especially an I'm sorry to Daniel Biss, whose campaign I thoroughly support. I imagine the turnout was excellent without me. My feet have not been all they should be lately. I should probably see a doctor, but my pocketbook is ascared, since I have no health insurance.
And have been asked to up the count of hands at the upcoming Mars Gallery show to 30 from 20. Gulp (still no word on dates, reception, etc. Soon... soon...)
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