Fresh Paint
Friday, June 15, 2007
Peace Tower Reminder
It's apparently up (haven't been to see it yet). However, the official opening is:
Reception with Mark di Suvero
June 19 5:30 - 7:30, Chicago Cultural Center, 78 E. Washington Street
Note: this is a TUESDAY.
More info here, about the only place I can find it. Nothing in any of the newspapers, nothing nothing nothing. Clearly no one out there cares about peace and/or art. (oh, alright: New City Review has an announcement that it's there, but not a review of what's in it or on it).
Go see it. It'll be there until October, when we have to pick up our panels or have them tossed into a bonfire, lye thrown on them, after being shot:
RETURN OF WORK:Ah, bureaucracy.
Panels and printed photographs will be available for pick up at the Chicago Cultural Center during regular business hours between October 15 -- 17. Works not collected by 5:00 p.m. October 17, 2007 will be destroyed.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.