Fresh Paint
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Holy Shit -- Breaking Art News
Uhhhh, folks.... the show was supposed to open in two days. From what I understand, gallery shipments are already arriving. This is outrageous.

Art Chicago exposition opening in doubt | Chicago Tribune
Thomas Blackman, who has produced the show for the last 13 years, issued a statement at 8:45 p.m. Tuesday, after a day in which many of the 125 exhibitors expected at the fair were kept in the dark about time and location.

"Art Chicago will most definitely go on as planned this weekend," said Blackman. "Although we have had to change venues, my primary concern has been to keep my commitment to the city of Chicago and my exhibitors."

A spokeswoman for Blackman said a further announcement on a new site was expected Wednesday. The fair, the city's longest-running and only remaining major contemporary art exposition, was to have run through Monday under a tent in Grant Park's Butler Field.
Of course, Blackman is dead wrong when he says it's Chicago's only expo -- NOVA will have to take up the slack.

I don't know if you've ever been to the City Suites, where the NOVA show is to take place. It's not large. A friend of mine always used to stay there when he came to town mostly because it was practically underneath the Belmont El stop, so convenient to everything. Plus they took very good care of him (he was blind).

This is wild. A friend who always gets comp'ed tickets didn't get them this year for the first time. Perhaps a sign? (UPDATE: she did eventually get them, and we used the hell out of them).

Erik at Art or Idiocy is blogging this and inviting comments and speculation, so go over there for more. I will be printing again tomorrow, so probably won't be monitoring the internets much of the day.

I was trying to figure out how I'd be able to hit all the events this weekend. Now I guess I don't have to figure it out.

Thursday was supposed to be the big gala for Art Chicago (also for NOVA), also for a lot of events in the continuing Bodies of Work series. My friend Sadie Gerbic did the postcard image (and catalog image) for the show Navigation/Negotiation, opening at the Siskel Film center on Thurs, reception at 5:30 (I will be going).

Friday, 5-10, besides all the NOVA chaos, I will be at the Galt Gallery opening (5 to 10 pm), supposedly with searchlights and kids handing out flyers all night, plus (I hope to god) booze. Ditto for Saturday.

This is immense. NOVA had scheduled busses and trains and such with the assumption there would have to be back-and-forth to Grant Park. I fear there's going to be a lot of lost money, a lot of scrambling, a lot of law suits, and escapes across the border.

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