Fresh Paint
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Tropical Update
Skies overcast, greenish gray. Awaiting the remnants of hurricane Dennis up here in Chicago. When I titled an entry "Rain!" on the 4th, I neglected to come back and explain that it only lasted about 15 minutes, so the drought continues.
In a tropical depression myself. Am not a fan of hot weather. Feel cheated this year, since we had no spring to speak of. By spring I'm talking about days with fresh breezes, variable, interesting weather to paint. Have had August weather since May. Ugh and ugh.
And the destroying machines continue. I'd never have thought one little brick house needed so much dismantling, but there you go. It's the beep beep of the backup that's the worst.
So have been over at the studio printing a lot, even though there's no air conditioning. Much of what I've been doing is on little scraps of this and that, trying to feel my way into a decent-sized project. Here's one:

Perhaps you prefer it in yellow:

Just rained for about 20 seconds, now is beginning to steam.
Ugh and ugh.
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