Fresh Paint
Monday, February 28, 2005
EAC Student Videos
Before I forget, I wanted to mention several of the charming student films, all homages to the Lumiere Brothers first films, all about 52 seconds long in sepia or black and white, shot in 3 takes or less, and no sync sound (the official rules as posted) -- a project of the kids in Mark Siska's video class.

They are wonderful. They played in a loop in the refreshment room (the room where they used to have WINE) and though most of them used sound, they were definitely in the spirit of the Lumiere films (link in French, quicktime flicks, the very first 10-film program ever).

I particularly liked "Mom on the Couch," by Noah Grosshandler, (mom relaxes, occasionally looking irritated as a loud noise interrupts her), "Snow Slider," by Paul Kipp (kid tries to use a dish sled but keeps slipping -- very Lumiere -- check the flick with the man trying to mount a horse), and my favorite, "The Star," by Andreas Nicholas (gorgeous little film shot from roof of garage where a kid simply paces off an asterisk shape in fresh snow below).

I hope EAC does this for other openings, i.e., showcasing student work so we're not too upset that there's no WINE.

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