Fresh Paint
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Update On Cow Chip Parade Painter
At Wilmette Public Library this am -- asked about the painting by Pat O'Hara I loved so much -- Friends of Library folks groaned and said, "You just missed him." Apparently he's a former advertising guy, who "invented" (their words) the Speedy Alka Seltzer character (can't find a credit for him on the Alka Seltzer site, but no surprise there). One of the members who had taken a class with him said he works very carefully, from many reference photos and drawings spread out all around.
If the library had a People's Choice award, his painting would have won it, according to them. A lesson for everyone: an even better (in their opinion) painting he did was rejected from the show last year.
A little about Speedy here. My original post is here.
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