Fresh Paint
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Smells Incredible
Trying again to bake a banana bread. Have been aging the bananas to a blackened pulp for over a week and the eggs were at room temperature. Used just a little less flour. Let's see how it turns out.
Baked one a few weeks ago that was edible only in the sense that I knew it had actual food in it, but you had to put a lot of butter or cream cheese on it to get it down. Can't imagine what I forgot. Maybe the third banana.
Good morning, friends. Wanted to plug a few things -- the drawing show at gescheidle that opens this Friday is bound to be good, and I'm going to try to get there, even if I'm tired from being at the studio all day. I particularly like Casey Roberts's work.
And got a nice email from Caroline Anderson, whose work I'd singled out in a revew a while back. She has stuff up at Judy Saslow thru Feb 10th. Good for her.
The timer just went off, so must fly.
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