Fresh Paint
Monday, May 01, 2006
Art Exhaustion, Part 5: Finally, Meat
Margaux Williamson at Katharine Mulherin (Toronto). Period. End of blogging. You can go home now.

Not really, but her combination of specificity and attitude blew me away. Check the link for images far better than my camera produced. Lady Justice, in particular:

Paul Becker at Rosy Wilde Gallery (London). I couldn't find a good link (site under construction), so must show you my bad snaps instead:

Also tiny works by Annabel Dover (for some reason I don't have pix of).

At Miller Block Gallery (Boston) I fell in love with work by Jennifer Reeves (gouache on paper) and Michael Oatman (collaged paintings?)

An Oatman:

A Reeves (caption says "I'll do it", and it's supposed to be a rectangle and not have my camera's reflection in it either, but there you go):

Over on the ex-Stray Show aisle, my eye was drawn immediately to paintings by Nathan Redwood at ,40000 Gallery (Chicago -- is there really supposed to be a comma in the name?), since I'd raved about his work at last year's BFA show. He's moved to LA, apparently, and is painting up a storm.

Liked the other Chicago galleries, too, such as TrackHouse (with the world's most irritating web site I will not attempt to link to, unfortunately). Dan has already shown the Western Exhibition guys knitting. You may remember them knitting from 2 years ago (another group was knitting at NOVA this year, but that's for later).

And Tai-Shan Schierenberg's painting "Fritz" (no snap, unfortunately), a large 68 by 58 painting with wonderful juicy wide brushes, strokes carefully laid down, was at Flowers (London). Check the site for plenty of images.

Finally, though I liked Karen Kitchel's series of paintings called "Parking Lot Weeds" at Morgan Lehman (New York and Connecticut), I gasped at the price of each approx. 12 inch square (3400 bucks). I'm living in the wrong place, I guess.

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