Fresh Paint
Monday, March 28, 2005
Eating Toast
You may not think such an ordinary, breakfasty action should occasion a blogging, especially this early in the day, but you would be wrong. Yesterday I bought my very first toaster, and so I can eat toast in my very own house -- in whatever room in my very own house I care to eat it in -- whenever I wish, with the proviso that I must also have bread to toast.

This is a sad sign of maturity, or of surrender to The Inevitable, perhaps. It says, in effect, that I will never get one as a wedding present to go with the five others my mad social network of friends have given me at numerous giggly and girly showers. Or that years of dropping hints to family has gone for naught.

My purchasing power may be weak, but my will power was weaker in the face of a sub-ten dollar Toastmaster coupled with a sale on peanut butter and jam at the grocery store.

I would take its picture right now before it gets smeary, but as I have often said, the camera is in the car.

Good morning my dear, dear friends. I hope your little ones have found all the eggs you hid, or at least you remember where you hid them before they get too old. I was going to hide some here in the blog, but spent yesterday in so complete a vegetative state that I nearly removed my own feeding tube.

If the weatherman is correct, much of this week should be above freezing, but I will most likely be inside printing.

Today I plan to reprocess the stone I ruined on Saturday, then have to seriously start on work for a show in April (don't know dates yet).

And a reminder that this weekend is the SAIC BFA show, one of my very favorites, 3 full floors of young art at G2 Gallery. I've added a link on the side to SAIC student sites -- some of them new, some moribund. I hope the kids get their stuff updated before the show. Thanks, Gapers Block, for the info.

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