Fresh Paint
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Not So Depleted
The war's littlest victim
In early September 2003, Army National Guard Spec. Gerard Darren Matthew was sent home from Iraq, stricken by a sudden illness. One side of Matthew's face would swell up each morning. He had constant migraine headaches, blurred vision, blackouts and a burning sensation whenever he urinated.Read this and pass it along. If a sensational story in a sensational newspaper will get people's attention, good. This is actually a followup to an earlier story the Daily News published in April. Note: Iraqis are very familiar with this syndrome already.
The Army transferred him to Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington for further tests, but doctors there could not explain what was wrong.
Shortly after his return, his wife, Janice, became pregnant. On June 29, she gave birth to a baby girl, Victoria Claudette.
The baby was missing three fingers and most of her right hand.
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