Fresh Paint
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Lo-Cal Pork
Cabinet Members Promote Healthier Habits
PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- Three U.S. Cabinet secretaries fanned out across the country Tuesday to promote healthier lifestyles, especially among the nation's snack-filled, exercise-starved youth.

Visiting a handful of election battleground states, they also handed out grant money to support new health programs.
But it was a tough house:
Although students were mindful of the Nov. 2 election - one Philadelphia youngster asked Thompson which man he supported, while another asked if he was a Democrat - Thompson denied the check presentations were politically timed.

"It has nothing to do with the election," he said after the event, where he shared the stage with injured Philadelphia Eagles defensive end N.D. Kalu and four Eagles cheerleaders.
Good evening, folks. Prowling the internet again. Am wearing a sweater for the first time this year -- lovely, chilly air. Have even closed a few windows. My ears may even clear if the strong north wind continues. May even paint. Later.

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