Fresh Paint
Monday, March 30, 2009
SGC Exhaustion
Conference done, am trying to sort stuff out and get back to "normal".

So many images, so many people talked to. Volunteering was great, but meant I didn't actually see a lot of the conference, if by conference you mean panels and keynotes and demos, since I spent much of time checking in everyone's exchange portfolios and acting as bouncer outside the rooms where demos were being held.

And drinking a lot of reception wine. Thank god for reception wine. And food, of course.

Still unloading the swag bag (good and useful itself). Don't want to see my official volunteer red sweatshirt (and by sweat, I really mean it -- P.U.) again for a long long time.

I should have taken a picture when I had the chance (speaking of reception wine), but congrats to our very own Tom Warchol for having a piece selected by Warrington Colescott himself for the Southern Graphics Council 2009 Traveling Exhibit. I will try to provide links at some point.

One of the high points for me was seeing the "History of Printmaking" tableau vivant, performed by a group of Columbia College alums. It was less a tableau, and not at all stills from Colescott's History of Printmaking series (on view at Perimeter Gallery, BTW, along with his more recent work) than the personal history of Colescott himself, with images, actions, and fabulous music.

It was a complete theater experience, close to the short playlets presented by the "Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind" group. Will see if I can get better credits for this work. I spoke to the director who said the group is a fan of silent theater and miming and all those things and collaborates from time to time on theater pieces. I was the volunteer for the first showing of this event, and Colescott himself was in the audience. I can't imagine what it might be like to see your life laid out like that.

UPDATE: Printeresting had been blogging from the conference and has a really good rundown on the panels and keynotes, and other stuff, plus lots of pix. I'll get mine up Real Soon.

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