Fresh Paint
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Print Zero Studios (Seattle) Print Exchange
An email from Brian Lane this morning urges me to tell you about the Print Zero exchange that usually gets upwards of 300 entries:

Print Zero Studios in Seattle is pleased to announce PRINTEXCHANGE #6.
> Participants must create an edition of 15 prints, on 5 x 7 inch paper, using
> any printmaking technique (no strictly digital prints). Deadline for receiving
> editions is May 15, 2009
> In turn participants will receive 13 prints from other artists and the exchange
> will be exhibited in Seattle, as well as a few other venues which are in the
> works... stay tuned.
> Our last exchange had 291 participants from 17 countries and was exhibited
> at 7 venues across the United States and Denmark!
> Please visit www.PrintZeroStudios.com to download the exchange prospectus
> for complete details, see past print exchanges as well as what we have been
> up to. (New studio space in Seattle, a catalog, etc)
> Please forward this to your fellow printmakers, print studios, students,
> online art groups etc.
> Cheers,
> Brian Lane - printzero2@gmail.com
> Jeremy Cody - printzero@gmail.com
> visit the site: www.PrintZeroStudios.com

Sounds good. I love these things. Will post the info about my SGC print soon, I promise.

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