Fresh Paint
Saturday, March 07, 2009
9th Iowa State University Postcard Print Exchange
It's that time of year again:
Two of Five: 9th Annual University Print Society Postcard Print Exchange
The Iowa State University Print Society will host the 9th Annual Postcard Print Exchange in 2009. The theme for this year's exchange is "Two of Five," and artists are to select any two of the following five words as the basis for your 4x6 prints:
You may use any form of these words, such as monster, monstrous, monstrously, monstrosity, etc. You are encouraged to consider all possible variations and meanings of these words.
Any editionable printmaking technique (woodcut, litho, intaglio, photography, silkscreen, digital printmaking, etc.) may be used. Please do not send monoprints/monotypes. Each of the prints sent must be identical to the others.
The prints must be 4"x6".
Thirteen identical prints should be sent individually as postcards to the address provided below. (Each card must be stamped and will bear the markings of travel and the postal service. Do not send the cards together in one envelope.)
Include the following information on the back of each card:
Your return address
April Katz's address (see below)
A list of the process(es) used
Optional: your e-mail address
Entries are due Friday, April 10, 2009.
The Exchange
After receiving everyone's postcard prints, the University Print Society will randomly divide up the cards and you will be sent 12 new and different prints from other participants (hence the "exchange"). The University Print Society will keep one of the 13 for its collection.
Postage for returning the 12 new prints to each participating artist will be paid by the University Print Society; donations are requested to help cover the cost of return postage. Send cash or checks payable to the University Print Society. Suggested donations: $2 students, $3 others, $4 international. Send more if you can, less if you can't.
Send postcard prints and postage donations to:
April Katz
University Print Society
158 College of Design
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011-3092
Please send questions and comments to the University Print Society president, Kris Engle,
Labels: art, printmaking
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.