Fresh Paint
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Made in Ohio?
Voting machine woes force ballot backup:
The oversized optical-scan paper ballots jammed in some machines, while audio equipment for blind voters was not installed or did not work in other places. On the Near South Side, only Republican ballots registered on the optical scanner at the Providence of God Early Learning Center, 1814 S. Union St.

'It's a landslide,' joked Republican election judge David Masak. 'As of right now, I can tell you we are officially the only precinct in Chicago that is going 100 percent Republican.'

That was at midday. The good humor melted away after four visits from elections officials failed to make the scanner work. Of the 71 ballots cast in the 25th Ward's heavily Democratic 31st Precinct, only its seven Republican paper ballots and three Republican touch-screen ballots had been counted when the polls closed.

The precinct's 61 Democratic paper ballots were dropped in a lock box, Masak said, and judges were told to drive them downtown.
Good morning, friends. Some of the races are over and people are just about finishing up their Unity breakfasts, but other races are still sitting in lock boxes at Cook County headquarters. Latest is that a manual count starts at 1:00.

We had a little confusion here, since polling place change notices didn't get sent out until late so there was a fairly steady stream of the confused crisscrossing paths. The paper ballots worked ok where I was, tho we'll never know whether our machines were programmed for Republican voting too if all they do is shave a few votes here and there.

Must fly. Will get links to all the campaign sites shortly. Illinois has a good shot at providing 2 of the needed congressional seats in November, Duckworth and Seals.

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