Fresh Paint
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Another Little Drawing
This is from the other day.

Good afternoon, friends. The Taste of Chicago is on and only one shooting to report so far. Violence is what happens when you combine 95 plus degree weather plus humidity plus a million people all eating steaming plates of ribs and corn and cheesecake and drinking beer and children are wailing and the competing bands at different venues are pounding your skull into the ground.
Been there, wanted to do that. I can't believe I'm going into the thick of it on Tuesday when I have a dentist's appointment. Needless to say, I won't be driving.
Not quite as hot today (so far) and still no rain. A lot of the trees around here have just given up and have started dropping their leaves as though it's fall. (I don't have a tree picture for you, unfortunately, though I may come back later with a cartoon tree. I don't know why I've started doing this stuff.).
That's it for now. The formatting mess wore me out yesterday -- Wi-Fi was acting up, probably because all the chewing machines tearing down the little house behind me had walkie-talkies and cell phones and microwaves and what-not. So went to library -- tradeoff is wonderful Wi-Fi and airconditioning vs uncomfortable chairs and no provision for sprawling on a couch and eating potato chips loudly.
So, there you have it.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.