Fresh Paint
Monday, August 23, 2004
But Where Was Keyes?
New Harold Washington arts center worth the the wait
Barack Obama stole the show.

No, he wasn't on the marquee for the "Neo-Soul Explosion" that shook the new Harold Washington Cultural Center over the weekend. But Obama's stage appearance between sets said a great deal about the significance of Chicago's newest arts nexus, at 47th Street and South King Drive.

"I hope everyone's got that neo-soul thing going on," said Obama, sounding a bit more casual than he had last month during his celebrated speech at the Democratic National Convention in Boston.

"I had to stop by and do a few things," added the Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate, thanking Ald. Dorothy Tillman (3rd) for long championing the creation of "a world-class place."
Perhaps he, or others from the Republican party, are unwilling to go down to 47th and South King after dark. Maybe they thought they might find a smelly toad there. Or too many Democrats.

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