Fresh Paint
Tuesday, April 13, 2004
Update From the Grownups
Yahoo! News - Citing violence, Annan doubts major UN return to Iraq
Annan said he would await the return of trusted political envoy Lakhdar Brahimi from Baghdad to get a fuller picture of the troubles but added that the dangers on the ground made a massive return all but impossible.
My taxes are now done, so, while listening to Janeane Garofalo rip Colin Quinn apart (but still somehow manage to be funny and smart while doing it), am trying to catch up with today's lies and nonsense. Sounds like Bush didn't do so hot at the press conference, but it was to be expected, and the press corps apparently startled him with unusual, genuine questions.

In the real world, my mom said she wouldn't watch because she hated the man so much and it wouldn't be good for her health, which means he's completely lost the super-senior vote.

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