Fresh Paint
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Claire and Jack are brother and sister??

In other news...

Since it was over 70 degrees yesterday, I went out to paint the first painting in more than six months. Have often said that I tend to get fussy when I haven't painted for awhile, and so it was with this one. Yes, more boats, sorry. Will document and add to the collection eventually. Was interesting since there were still some melty mounds of snow on the red brick driveway to the harbor that was somewhat daunting to paint.

But at least it wasn't a hand.

Is now more than 30 degrees colder, raining and a little sleet, too. We may get some snow. I guess it's spring.

And in other news... have apparently converted to the new blogger, and can't see that there's much difference yet, except some stuff on the right hand side looks goofy, which I'll fix eventually. Have been meaning to redo links, etc. anyway.

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