Fresh Paint
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Berlin Wall to be Rebuilt and Extended
... between US and Mexico.

Operation "Let's Forget About the Iraq War, Oil Prices, Global Warming, NSA Abuses, Ongoing Torture and Rendition Scandals, Bribery, Incompetence, etc., etc., and Go After the Powerless" now underway:

Senate Votes to Extend Fence Along Border
The Senate measure calls for triple-layered fencing but does not specify a location.

No Republican voted against the fence measure, which attracted wide support from Democrats. The 15 Democrats who voted against it (as did the independent James Jeffords of Vermont) were Daniel Akaka and Daniel K. Inouye, both of Hawaii; Jeff Bingaman of New Mexico; Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray, both of Washington; Christopher Dodd and Joseph I. Lieberman, both of Connecticut; Richard J. Durbin and Barack Obama, both of Illinois [ed. thank you, my friends]; Russell D. Feingold of Wisconsin; Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts; Frank R. Lautenberg and Robert Menendez, both of New Jersey; Jack Reed of Rhode Island, and Paul Sarbanes of Maryland.
Shame on you, Hillary.

Good afternoon, friends. Painted at the lake this am (more boats, I'm afraid) until a storm came up and swept us all away. Oh. Sorry. That's my new Tradewinds 2 game. I am now a pirate. George and I can be twins! Only he doesn't bother with the eye patch and parrot these days.

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